Vol II. Issue 9; September 2015                                               Special Issue                                                           ISSN: 2454 - 1109  

The South Asian Academic Research Chronicle

A Refereed International Interdisciplinary Open Access Monthly e-journal

Indexed in ...















 Vol II: Issue 4 April 2015


1. Editorial

2. An Eco-feminist Analysis of The Last Wild Witch by Starhawk

3. Feminism and Feminine sensibility in the Victorian Period

4. Gandhian Ideology in R K Narayan’s Waiting for Mahatma

5. Diaspora in Adichie’s Thing Around Your Neck

6. Jaya on the Crossroads of Cultural Determinants and Personal Aspirations in Shashi Despande’s That Long Silence

7. Book Review In Search of a Feminist Writer by Dr. Rohidas Nitonde

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News and Updates !

Information Brochure of National Conference on “Rethinking Postcolonial Literature” 7th & 8th September, 2015